
Friday, May 16, 2014

Rebel Belle Review

For me the book was just okay. I liked the main character Harper a lot. I liked seeing her struggle with trying to fit into a perfect mold in order to make everyone around her happy.

I really disliked David. I didn't know why he treated Harper the way he did, there was just no excuse for it, and it bothered me that Harper didn't stand up for herself against him. I found David to be a weak character, he was too much of a crybaby for my liking, so it really bothered me when a love interest formed between David and Harper. I knew it was coming and, to me, it felt really forced. I felt she was so much stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally than him.  

I thought it was great that Rachel Hawkins put Harper in a typically male role and David in a typically female role, however I feel like this book was lacking a strong male protagonist. I think I would have enjoyed this book better if there was a second Paladin who maybe was helping, guiding, or training Harper. I did not like the person that was "training" her. They had no business in that role. In that case, David would have then become central to the story as a friend to Harper (which is where I felt they eventually developed), and the other Paladin as her love interest.

I really liked when Harper refused her role as a Paladin. I loved that Harper was finally putting herself first, and was not willing to die for someone else. Especially someone she has disliked her entire life. I liked that I saw the evolution of Harper and how she defended herself more and stood up for herself more as the book progressed. I liked that I could see her strength more and more as I progressed through the book. However that just made me see the weakness of David more and more.

There was a love triangle in the book that I did like the dynamic of, however, after a while it really started to bother me. I was over it. I was ready for Harper to make her decision and move on. I understand that Harper still wanted to keep some semblance of a normal life even though it was getting completely out of control, but she just needed to decide.

I loved Rachel Hawkins writing style and the way she tells a story, it felt very smooth and effortless. A very quick and easy read.

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